The world of blockchain and digital assets is one of tech enthusiasts. Consequently, understanding it requires significant technical knowledge, so it can be difficult to understand how a digital asset protocol works, let alone a broader technological movement like DeFi (decentralized finance). On day three of the FIA’s 2020 Expo, Bloomberg reporter Matthew Leising led a discussion about DeFi – what it is, how it works, who is using it, and how it might (or might not) be regulated.
Jim Kharouf, communications director of IncubEx Inc., began “Innovation on the Edges” on Day 2 of FIA-V by saying “Happy Birthday” to the exchanges...
Industry buzz about exchange-traded environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) products has grown, but getting traction on ESG derivatives can be challenging, a panel...
After the twin scandals of MF Global and Peregrine Financial rocked the futures industry in 2011 and 2012, the National Futures Association underwent a...